David Coste
Jérôme Dupeyrat
Grégoire Romanet


As its name indicates, this centre d’art located in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques is first and foremost concerned with images, be they photographic, video or multimedia. Beyond photography in the strict sense, since being founded in 1983 it has been open to all forms that incorporate images in all their diverse formats and modes of appearance. Beyond exhibitions, the centre d’art gives special attention to printed images through editorial work developed with artists. The centre d’art is undergoing a transition and will reopen in new spaces in autumn 2013.

Artist and art school teacher David Coste has been collaborating with the centre d’art for several years. The appropriation of images, diversion and reference lie at the heart of his work and echo the centre d’art’s programming, particularly in its editorial policy and the question of printed images.

 Interview is a video conceived by David Coste himself, who sketches several portraits: the portrait of an artist through his work, his collaborations and a critical perspective; a background portrait of artistic, educational and editorial projects undertaken by a centre d’art in a rural location; finally a portrait of the relationships that have been developing around an organisation for nearly 30 years, between artists, art-world actors, future actors, students, viewers and regions.